December 2021

WHO HAS THE BEST IDEAS? How to achieve a common ground #MicrolearningWithSherin MY IDEA IS DEFINITLEY THE BEST! Well, that’s what you think, BUT, not everyone might agree to that! Instead of insisting, perhaps it’s better if we listen to their ideas first! Here are some ways on how you can negotiate with your team to achieve a common ground!   WATCH MORE Microlearning videos by

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How HR Determines A Company’s Performances

YOU CAN’T SPELL #SUPERHERO WITHOUT #HR! Traditionally, HR focused on hiring, firing and the old-school annual pay review. But more recently HR has been positively reframed and now covers a much wider scope in every organization! We’re all aware of the basic functions of #HRs;⭐️ Managing payroll⭐️ Recruiting⭐️ OnboardingAnd the list goes on… But many are unaware of how

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