Excel 2016 / 2019 Intermediate


This course will enable participants to streamline repetitive tasks and display spreadsheet data in more visually effective ways. The target audience for this course are participants who desire to gain the skills necessary to manage worksheets, sort and filter data, creating charts and using Functions. In addition, this course is suitable for those interested to step-up a level with existing knowledge of the basics of Excel, including how to create, edit, format, and print basic worksheets.



Participants should be familiar with using computers and have used a mouse and keyboard. Participants should be comfortable in the Windows environment and be able to use Windows to manage information on their computer.

To get the most out of this course, we recommend completion of one of the following courses, or equivalent knowledge from another source: Windows 2003/ Windows 7 and Microsoft Excel 2016 Basic.


Instructor led, group-paced, classroom-delivery learning model with structured hands-on activities.
