Agile Communication For Heads Of HR


The Human Resource Department polices its functions to ensure the organisation is well-run. Innumerable interactions; spoken and written are its regular diet. Though it polices the conveyance of these rules, regulations and policies, they must have a gentle delivery system without losing the essence of the message. After all, today, we are dealing with staff who are more from the millennial generation than other earlier generations.

Spoken communication is governed by the golden standard of the Mehrabian Principle. When it is sandwiched by other psychological props, it has proven to convey messages effectively.

Our correspondence has drastically evolved with the advent of the internet. We still need to convey policy matters but the style and language need to be tempered to meet our fast-paced world. The acronym KISS has a more significant role than before the e-mail became commonplace. Thus, the comprehension of the genre of writing, where we use transactional writing for business is a must rather than expository or the narrative forms. In keeping with KISS, the employment of reader-centric writing should be the norm rather than the exception.

The convention of writing must be put in place with some tweaking, titles/ subject lines which are more compact, personalizing instead of generalizing and always in appreciation of the reader – even in difficult situations.

  • Convey messages effectively
  • Apply psychological props in enhancing messages
  • Eliminate possible barriers
  • Apply listener / reader centricity in communication
  • Craft correspondence befitting the business environment

Principles of Adult and Experiential Learning will be extensively used. The mode of the programme will be as follows:

  • Individual exercise
  • Group work
  • Pair work

In the following:

  • Presentations
  • Role-plays
  • Case-Studies

Note: The 1-day programme will have an overview of the topics listed with a theoretical approach minus experiential learning and the hands-on applications.


Managers, Senior Managers
