Empower Yourself: Increasing Effectiveness and Job Satisfaction


Every single employee is critical in today’s business environment. No matter at what level of employment, each employee plays a vital role in the company’s success. This will ensure not only the company’s growth but also the employee’s personal success. This requires employees to be effective and satisfied at their jobs.

There are various skills and strategies that employees can learn and apply to empower themselves towards this. This helps them to fulfill their responsibilities and increase their job satisfaction along the way.

This two-day workshop is practical and activity based. It provides proven tools and clear steps as well as best-practices that works. Participants will learn how they can better manage their time and resources.  They will also learn practical productivity best practices to enable them to be efficient at work. And finally, they will learn emotion and stress management techniques to enable them to consistently perform at their optimal level.

  • Appreciate the opportunities to empower themselves in various ways at work
  • Gain the skills to manage time, set smart goals and monitor their work
  • Gain the skills to manage and prioritize the resources available to them
  • Gain the skills to be proactive and creative in improving their work processes
  • Gain productivity skills and strategies to be more effective at work
  • Gain the skills to increase internal motivation at work
  • Gain the skills to use stress in a healthy and sustainable way
  • Gain the skills to manage their emotions in a challenging and uncertain work environment
  • Gain the skills to better work with their teammates and other colleagues

This program uses Adult Learning approaches. This includes minimal lectures, use of multimedia aids such as videos and music, demonstrations, case studies, group discussions, presentations, learning games, self-evaluations and self-reflections. Examples, Case Studies and Mini-Projects will be adjusted accordingly.


Non-executives, Executives, Assistant Managers, Managers and above.
