English Literacy For Business Communication At the Workplace


This English Literacy program is designed for individuals in organizations, in business or entrepreneurs to acquire and develop the English language knowledge and skills. The aim of the program is for individuals to use English for their business and professional needs in real life and work. It will further give the individuals the opportunity to speak on general topics and to communicate in social, work or business environment confidently in the English-speaking world.

This program is built on an Adult A.C.E English Interactive Learning Approach that embraces practical approaches to literacy development in real and situated practices. The best way to learn literacy is to engage in the social activity, having a mindset of constant communication or practice in which the abilities to speak, read and write in purposeful and meaningful contexts are achieved. This is realized at different components; the General English, the Business or Workplace English and the Professional (only for specific purposes or context) English.

  • Develop skills in speaking, which involve vocabulary learning.
  • Develop skills in speaking, with a specific focus on body language and voice.
  • Develop skills in speaking, which involve questioning, understanding and interpreting messages.
  • Develop skills in listening, which include comprehension of information.
  • Develop skills in communication, with practice in communication situations.
  • Develop and apply skills of common courtesy and greetings in a professional manner.
  • Learn how to speak in meetings, discussion and in an audience confidently.
  • Develop the individual’s general capacity to a level that enables them to use English in a business environment confidently.
  • Classroom Lecture
  • Open Talk Session
  • Stand-Up Discussions
  • Group Brainstorming Activities
  • Experiential Learning Activities
  • Energizers & Games
  • Motivational Videos
  • Music & Songs
  • Individual and Group Presentations
  • Sharing of Life Experience

Non Executives, Executives, Assistant Managers, Managers
