Managers play a key role in any organization. They are constantly finding ways to assist their staff improve their performance as a motivated employee is naturally confident and good performing employee.
Efficient leaders will seek to create a culture in which business strategies will adapt with changes in business patterns which in turn will drive changes in the operational behaviours of managers and employees. Hence, performance-driven culture is deep rooted at all levels in the organization.
Creating a performance-driven culture requires a systematic approach to managing the performance of organizations, team and individuals. While leaders are the defining elements of that approach, they are not the only elements.
As a continuous measure to ensure high performance-driven culture, the crux of business success is the performance of individual, team and total organization. The tools that organization uses i.e. performance management, performance planning and appraisals are theoretically good, however, in reality the focus is too much on them being a report card. They focus too much on weaknesses and gaps and provide little for learning and drown everyone in documenting things, often at the end of the year.
What’s to be done is the ability to bring about desired behaviour change to create a performance culture and core process for effecting such change includes:
- Deal with Performance Management holistically, connect the “What’s” and “How’s”, the strategic and operational, at all levels in the organization.
- Make the appraisal an integral part of the performance and development system and remove the traditional performance appraisal system which drains time, energy and does not produce the results.
- Change the appraisal process by setting expectations, ongoing feedback, coaching, recognition & reward and professional development training
- Importantly, focus on the strengths of each individual and leverage on it, discover what is unique about each staff in the organization.
One of the most effective ways of managing employee is giving feedback as it is a vital part of communication that helps people to improve. When Managers create a feedback culture where they offer helpful feedback in a timely manner and open to receiving it themselves, it creates a culture of performance improvement, learning and growth. Feedback helps team members to align personal behaviors with organizational goals and develop themselves and others in ways that create positive business outcomes. Feedback is a gift as it focuses on the behavior to increase self- awareness.
However, a common challenge in the workplace is how to give a constructive and objective feedback without demotivating or reducing the confidence of an employee. The 2-day workshop will equip Managers with a framework to engage the employees and establish a trusting partnership with the employees in ways that improve performance, build stronger relationships, increase engagement and enhances commitment.