Administrative & Multitasking: The Professional Role Of The Secretary / Personal Assistant


Your role as an Executive Secretary, Secretary, Personal Assistant, Administrator etc has probably evolved many times over and be very certain that it will keep changing to take on more demanding and challenging tasks.  As you become more efficient at your job, you become more crucial to your manager’s and your organisation’s success.

Today, most senior managers expect you to have leadership and management skills in order to set your own administrative priorities. In addition, you must have skills to manage all contacts, create, store and retrieve documents, plus a broad variety of other administrative skills.

To do all of this successfully, you need to have strategic insight and be able to innovate better processes. At the same time, you must be tactical, process-oriented, and driven toward continuous improvement. Thus this increase demands on both of you. But you’re also building a foundation for your own career growth!

This 1 day comprehensive seminar gives you a wide range of skills to help you handle any work challenge with greater confidence and effectiveness. Leave with an action plan of best practices to apply immediately on the job. Thus making your job easier and fulfilling.

  • Manage changing roles and responsibilities whether working with bosses, peers, team members or customers
  • Meet dynamic work expectations by expanding your proactive capabilities
  • Clearly and confidently communicate and negotiate to manage conflicts and achieve results
  • Apply emotional intelligence and effective listening practices to your job
  • Use strategic diplomacy to handle office politics, difficult people and demanding situations

Interactive and activity based training with lectures, Oral communication, presentation, role play and practical real-time case studies and group exercises


Non-Executives, Executives
This workshop is designed for learners in secretarial, clerical and administrative roles.
