The Emotionally Intelligent Leader


As a leader you are responsible for generating trust, building authentic relationships and effective teams.  It is vital that you lead by example and inspire excellence in others. This course will help you to develop and apply your emotional intelligence skills as a leader. You will learn more about your mode and style of leadership to grow other people, enhance their performance and personal satisfaction. Modern leadership is characterized by inspiring teams and guiding individuals and groups. Emotional intelligence, also called EQ, is the ability to be aware of and to manage emotions and relationships. It is a pivotal factor in personal and professional success. IQ will get you in the door, but it is your EQ, your ability to connect with others and manage the emotions of yourself and others, that will determine how successful you are in life.

  • Understand EQ and its components
  • Master the 6 pillars of Emotional Intelligence
  • Develop greater self-awarenessand strengthen your leadership capabilities
  • Identify your emotional strengthsand areas for development
  • Demonstrate the attributes of an emotionally intelligent leader
  • Manage conflictand difficult situations by inspiring and fostering respect
  • Build and maintain emotionally intelligent teams
  • Understanding each other & perceptions (exercising Empathy)
  • Creation of more inspiring leaders with greater personal impact and influence
  • Presentations: presentations will be used in order to provide the background of each subject and create discussion and questions.
  • Discussions: throughout the training, participants will be encouraged to contribute to discussions and share their experiences and thoughts with the rest of the group. The discussions will be facilitated and coordinated by the facilitator in order to maintainthe focus in the key areas of interest
  • Case studies: case studies will be used so as to facilitate and trigger discussion, as well as allow external benchmarking so as to achieve competitiveness
  • Group work: group work will be used in order to facilitate practical understanding of the issues and in order to enhance team working, team building and cooperation amongst participants

Managers, Senior Managers
