Beyond Purpose: Motivational Programme for Poor Performers


The beginning of transformation starts when you are WILLING to be continuously better than what you are currently, once you UNDERSTAND that, through plenty of ACTION, you develop what you are achieving currently, and for this to happen there must be a new habit which can be PRACTICED in both working and home environment, which creates an AWARENESS of what is working and what is not, thus creating a strong CULTURE of Excellence.

  • To discover your Greater Purpose and serving it with Passion and Believe
  • To improve the ability to Focus Your Mind
  • To Expand Your Believe Systems and Comfort Zones.
  • Your believe system is responsible for your success factors; learn to manage your comfort zone.
  • To develop Initiative Mindset
  • To inculcate the Spirit Of A Mental Warrior by taking charge of negative thoughts
  • Reinforcement Department’s Vision, Mission, Objectives and Core Values

Our training programs are highly interactive, innovative and exciting. Through several customized stages, we design our program to ensure that participants implement the skills and strategies learnt.

We supplement learning through the use of meaningful videos, music, a comfortable learning environment and dynamic, experienced and engaging facilitators.

Through “experiential learning” or “learning by doing” process, positive behavior changes can take place in the workplace to support the organization in achieving their business goals and objectives.


Non-executives, Executives, Assistant Managers, Managers

